You are Blessed, Oh Lord for showing your self to the poor who now can give you Glory in total freedom!
Bagamoyo Mlango wa Imani Katoliki Tanzania Bara.
The First Missionaries first landed in Bagamoyo. There was a very serious human slavery in the coast of East Africa. By God’s mercy the missionaries managed to stop it after many years of struggling.
If Freedom is Enjoyed to day in the whole world, there are Those who struggled to bring it back from the corruption brought by the devil in the human society. Jesus Christ as Master of Freedom ever since. How ever, Living in Jesus Christ means everything precious in any one’s life.
Our God is not God of slavery. He is The Lord of Freedom! Yes!!! He is Freedom Itself! Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ!! Jeesus Chrrisst!!!
Freedom of Worship you gave us, Oh! Lord God Almighty! We praise you!
Lord our God! Let Tanzania be the source of harmonious life in this world of today! Put away all enemies who block our freedom of worship. Amen!!
The gate of Our Faith — Bagamoyo
An old Church Bagamoyo. The Lord Reigns Here!
Ndani ya Jengo hili; Makao yake Aliye Juu.
“Asante Ee Baba wa Mbinguni. Tushushie Roho wako Mtakatifu. Iangaze mioyo yetu ikutambue na kuadhimisha jina lako, kulitukuza jina lako daima. Amina!!!
Holy Spirit guide our Hearts to know You, Almighty God, The giver of Life.
Holy Spirit The firmament of the Whole Universe, Do not forsake us!”
Furaha ya Injili — Miaka mia moja hamsini!!! (150)
The Joy of The Gospel — Hundred and Fifty years !!! (150)
“Almighty God Most High, we give you our lives, we ask and plead that you bless our Nation, Tanzania! May the Holy Spirit spread through the whole nation and ignite in all Tanzanian hearts, so that we never cease adoring your name!
In the Name of Jesus Christ, reigning with you and the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever Amen!”
In your Life, Struggle hard to Catch His garment lest He slips away and leave you in slavery of the devil. Behold! The devil is hunting silently!