Je, unajua?   Huduma  nyeti za ‘Endoscope’  zinapatikana Hospitali ya Mt. Gemma  Miyuji!!   Jimbo Kuu  Dodoma  

                                          The Opening of Endoscope  service  at St. Gemma Hospital

Endoscope Department  at St. Gemma Hospital




The service dealing with   all alimentary  and digestive system  ailments.

Get the service at St. Gemma Hospital   Miyuji  –  Dodoma.   Do not Miss!

“May the Works of the Lord be marveled by all good heart people. You are Blessed Lord! On your Throne!  Hearken to our prayers for we need your  help!  Bless  Oh  Lord!    Bless your people who are seeking for your eternal  Mercy!!!”

Blessing the New Department

The St. Gemma  Hospital is operating  twenty four ours  (24)   daily.

Usiachwe nyuma ukiumia tu.   Hospitali ya Mt. Gemma  iliyoko Miyuji,  Dodoma TZ  ni suluhisho kamili la Afya yako sasa hivi!!  Wahi.

Ukihudumiwa katika hospitali ya Mt. Gemma  utapata warrant ya afya njema siku zote.


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