We praise You Oh Lord God Almighty !!

You are Blessed in the  very Sacrament of Holy  Eucharist,  Jesus Christ our   Savior!

Always  Bless your  servants as we worship and praise you joyfully!

Catholic procession of the Eucharist celebrations

With our thankful hearts  Lord we come to you  and ask your  mercy  especially on this dreadful disease  covid 19,  may you put it  off completely, Oh Lord!

  Praise Him  Always!!!   

The year 2021 merged  almost the same as year 2020 with  covid-19.  We wish all our  viewers  all that they would be granted from Above. Let it be a very prosperous year for everyone and thus  The Lord God be Praised  throughout the year and forever!

The world is agitated  by the trending disease,  Covid-19 which has messed up with our peaceful world.

Saint Gemma Sisters wish all the best everyone visiting our web, always  keep up with the best spiritual health, accept  advises given all over the earth. Never loose hope on to the  Power of  Almighty God who controls every thing in this world, to happen the way it is, anywhere, any time and to any one he chooses.

Covid 19 is an other type of quaresma   so it is better given priority to turn our  souls to the Most High and pledge for  his mercy to human kind. Let us  bow low down on our knees to ask for his mercy to save us from this deadly disease. May He absolve it away from us for ever.

Oh! Lord!!! Preciously hear our prayer!  Do not forsake your children who are now very penitent for our         wickedness, forgive our sins Lord Almighty!   We plead and pray  more and more for your mercy.  Amen!

With all our hearts we praise you, we give you thanks, we love you Lord Jesus Christs.


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